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2024 State of Wine Business Health Report

We surveyed 450+ winery professionals to get answers to questions like: What are the most successful wineries doing to ensure their business is healthy? What factors contribute to financial, operational, and cultural health? What are the top challenges wineries expect to face in 2025?

Download InnoVint’s inaugural State of Wine Business Health Report to learn more and see how your winery stacks up against your peers.

Key Takeaways

Sneak Peek: What the Best Wineries Are Doing Right

Here’s a snapshot of what you’ll find inside the full State of Wine Business Health Report—key insights that can help your winery thrive.

Despite the challenges of 2023–2024, 56% of wineries rate themselves as either exceptionally or very healthy, and 85% consider themselves to be in average health or better.

90% of successful wineries are cashflow positive, compared to only 38% of wineries with poor overall company health.

Wineries with poor company culture are 9X more likely to experience higher than average employee turnover.

Get your copy of the 2024 State of Wine Business Health Report

Submit the form below for your copy of the 2024 State of Wine Business Health Report – the guide is available for download on the confirmation page and you will also receive a copy via email.